A Dealership's Guide To Data Redundancy
In Automotive Dealerships

In this eBook, learn valuable insights on WHAT data should be backed up and WHY each of these pieces are important.

We’ll outline how you can take the right steps to minimize the risk of losing your most important asset, your data, and to keep your dealership running during unexpected events such as technology outages, mother nature, or other crisis moments.

  • Discover the importance of data archiving and what to archive each month
  • Review specific reports should be backed up each month and why these are important
  • Evaluate who should be backing these up, and what format they should be kept
  • Learn how to implement checks and balances to ensure this process occurs monthly

Download our eBook below to learn how to best setup your dealership for data redundancy and business continuity! 

One View Data Redundancy E-Book

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